Jacques Derrida and Helene Cixous

December 11, 2008

I do not know much about the friendship between Derrida and Cixous, but I do know one exists because in my research on Cixous I came across a conversation between her and Derrida, and a certain book I obtained from the library said so. Therefore, when, in class, Jacques Derrida was brought up as being the father of Deconstruction, I thought it would be very interesting to go back and read the conversations between an esteemed feminist critic (Cixous) and the father of deconstruction. However, I could not find the same article again. I thought it would be very interesting to hear a conversation between someone who believed that there is no wrong way to interpret a work, and someone who thinks that a work should be interpreted as if none of the characters had a certain sexuality. (I was just thinking of Don Quixote having no gender.) What if, through the eyes of Cixous, Don Quixote had no gender? I can’t even imagine. Alright I can, but… back to the point. I would really like to find that article. This blog really went wrong somewhere I think.

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